Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ivrit min ha-hathala (Hebrew from the beginning)

Wow... woke up from a 7-hour nap. Lost the afternoon, but this was the first time I've slept well so it was glorious.

I'm making a chickpea, carrot, sweet potato, and onion stew for a late dinner, with fresh ginger and all kinds of spices. Too bad I forgot to get garlic at Mehane Yehuda today. Oh, but it was fun! I met some folks from Buenos Aires and chatted with them in Spanish for a while. I love people's reactions when they see a Korean-American girl talking to them in Spanish and studying Hebrew in Jerusalem. I also bought a lot of fruit... check out how many cherries I'm able to get here for ~$2!

I had my first Modern Hebrew lesson this morning, where I learned Hebrew cursive (as opposed to the square script you find in the Hebrew Bible) and a few phrases. It turns out that I'll be using the same textbook as my brother's in high school, which is all in Hebrew from the beginning, forcing me to figure it out as I go along. She assigned 52 pages for tonight. Hm. Will have to get crackin' soon.

Before I go, check out this delightful find in the National Library:

It's a collection of miniature books! There was an almanac from 1843, a set of Shakespeare plays, Milton's works (<3), Byron's works, etc. etc.

I also learned that one of my roommates is actually a chemist, not a med student, and he has a little lab in the back of his room! He studies polarization in sodium chlorate crystals. I'll confess that I thought of Breaking Bad when I saw all the equipment in his room :P. He gave me a whole demonstration, with gloves and all. Right now, he's watching Game of Thrones.

Okay, dinner time and Hebrew!

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