Monday, August 27, 2012

fleas and delicious chocolate spread with tangents

... not together, but in eventual succession.

Maria and I found the cutest black kitten in the laundry room. It was mewing, mewing, mewing. We thought it was stuck on the fence, so Maria poked it.

The kitten wasn't stuck after all--it just wanted some attention, and probably food. Alas, we ended up with fleas all over our legs. Ew. Don't worry... I'm not bringing them back to the States (I think). We washed and swept and washed and cleaned again and again and again and haven't gotten more bites...

(sign on the laundry room door)

(the kitten!)

By the way, we live in a dormitory that looks like a bomb shelter:

(Federmann Dorms)

But the view is nice from outside it and there are lovely cascading flowers if you look hard enough for them:

During the second week of Arabic, I mentioned in class one day how all the faces in Arabic distract me sometimes. No one in the room knew what I was talking about except for Katie, who saw a smilie in the TAA. So, I went up and drew some circles around a few friends on the board:

(my favorite is the guy on the right smoking a pipe. he's really enjoying it.)

Best snack ever in Israel? Pretzels with "chocolate spread" and beer. Blissss:

(look at Maria's graceful arm!)

(Giusi took a few pix of me and Maria reveling in the deliciousness)

The Arabic students are leaving for Jerusalem at 5:55am tomorrow (oi vey). Until then, here is our Druze guide doin' the cha cha!

(photo credit: Katie and/or Annie... can't remember who took it!)

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